Kotak Credit Card users get multiple discount and cashback deals which they can avail in addition to the card-specific benefits. These deals are provided across different categories, like lifestyle, mobiles, appliances, flight bookings, hotels, medicines?, and food. The cardholders can use these offers using the respective promo codes or by simply making the payment via their credit card. Read on to learn all about Kotak Credit Card Offers.
Kotak Bank credit cards offer a range of exciting deals to help you earn points and enjoy special privileges. Here are some of the latest offers:
Generally, add-on Kotak credit card users can take advantage of most promotions. However, certain deals may be exclusive to primary cardholders. In such instances, the primary cardholder should complete the transaction.
Refund eligibility depends on the merchant's return policy. For qualifying items, refunds are processed once the return is accepted. Please note that the refunded amount may exclude any discounts or cashback applied during the initial purchase.
Refund eligibility depends on the merchant's return policy. For qualifying items, refunds are processed once the return is accepted. Note that the refunded amount may exclude any discounts or cashback applied during the initial purchase.
To remain updated on the latest promotions of Kotak credit card you can regularly visit Official Website and you can also check on their social media and subscribe for their promotional emails and SMS notifications.
Here are some of the links that will help you manage your Kotak Credit Card, you can click on them as per your requirements: