With the increasing use of credit cards, the risk of fraud is also on the rise, making it essential to keep your credit card information accurate and up-to-date. Critical details such as your name, address, and date of birth must be correctly recorded with the bank to ensure smooth communication and transparency. If there are any changes to this information, it is important to inform the bank immediately. While some updates can be done online, others may require you to visit the nearest branch. Keeping your details current helps protect you from fraud and ensures you receive important communications from the bank without delay.
To update your address on your HDFC credit card, you can submit any one of the following documents as proof:
If you wish to update your address on your HDFC credit card, you can do it easily through online, offline, or phone banking methods. Below is a simple breakdown of the process.
The address will be updated after the bank verifies the document. You’ll be able to track the status under "My Contact Details" on the bank’s portal.
You can also contact the HDFC customer care toll-free number 61606161/6160616 to initiate the address change. The representative will guide you through the process.
Important Notes:
You can change your address online through HDFC net banking or by visiting a branch with the required documents.
It usually takes about 7 working days for the address change to be processed after document verification.
You can submit documents like your passport, Aadhaar card, utility bill (less than 2 months old), or a pension order as proof of address.
Yes, you can visit any HDFC Bank branch with your original documents and fill out a form to change your address.
You can log into HDFC net banking and check under "My Contact Details" to see if your address has been updated.
Please click the links below to find details and instructions related to HDFC Bank Credit Cards that can help you in easily managing your card: