If you're new to using credit cards or simply want to avoid paying any fees, a lifetime free credit card with no joining or annual fee is a great option. These cards are perfect for beginners who are just starting their professional journey or have never used credit before. They're also ideal for anyone who prefers not to pay any fees for their card. While most of these cards offer basic benefits and have low rewards rates, there are a few that provide good value.
Here are the best credit cards with zero annual fees.
The Kotak 811 #dreamDifferent Credit Card is a unique secured credit card backed by a fixed deposit. Along with offering security, it provides various benefits such as fuel surcharge waiver and railway surcharge waiver. Additionally, cardholders can enjoy exclusive offers upon achieving spending milestones. By spending Rs 75,000 or more, users can unlock the milestone program, which offers bonus rewards in the form of either cashback or PVR tickets.
Key Highlights
The ICICI Platinum Chip Credit Card is perfect for beginners who are looking for a basic credit card to start building their credit score. It's a lifetime free card with no annual fees, making it ideal for those who want simplicity. This card offers basic features and is well-suited for individuals who are new to using credit cards.
Key Highlights
The Amazon Pay ICICI Credit Card is a best choice for a lifetime free credit card with co-branded cashback benefits, especially in India. It offers great value, particularly for Amazon Prime users, who enjoy the highest cashback rates. The cashback is credited as Amazon Pay Balance, which can be used for further purchases on the platform.
Key Highlights
The IDFC FIRST Millennia Credit Card is an excellent choice for individuals who spend frequently. Offered by IDFC First Bank, this lifetime free credit card provides 6-times more rewards specifically for online shopping, up to a predefined monthly milestone. Notably, the earned reward points do not expire, allowing users to accumulate rewards over time and redeem them for valuable benefits.
Key Highlights
The best lifetime free credit card for movies and cashback is for individuals looking shopping and travel benefits without any annual fees. This card offers cashback and movie vouchers upon reaching specific spending milestones. Additionally, reward earnings increase significantly after reaching the Rs. 4 lakh spending milestone.
Key Highlights
The IDFC First Select Credit Card is an excellent choice for individuals looking travel and lifestyle benefits without any annual fees. This card offers a high rewards rate and operates on an incremental spend reward points model. As you spend more, you earn more rewards, with the earning rate increasing once you reach specific spending milestones.
Key Highlights
How to Apply for a No Annual Fee Credit Cards Online?
Steps to apply through Mybankingtips website:
Step 1: Visit MybankingTips SBI Credit Card Section.
Step 2: Select Your Ideal Credit Card.
Step 3: Click on the ‘ Apply Now’ tab.
Step 4: Fill in the required details to find out if you are eligible to apply for the card.
Step 5: Once you have entered all the necessary information, click on ‘Submit’.
Step 6: After you have successfully provided all the required information, you will receive a message with your application ID.
A. A lifetime free credit card doesn't have any joining or annual fee for its entire duration. However, charges such as late payment fees, cash advance fees, and interest will be applicable based on your usage of the card.
A. Popular card issuers in India like ICICI Bank, IDFC FIRST Bank, HSBC Bank, among others, commonly provide lifetime free credit cards. Additionally, some other issuers may periodically introduce no annual fee credit card offers. To obtain one of these cards, it's advisable to monitor the issuer's website for updated details.
A. The HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card and IDFC FIRST Select Credit Card are examples of lifetime free credit cards with lounge access. With these cards, you can enjoy benefits like 3 complimentary airport lounge visits at both domestic and international lounges. Additionally, the IDFC FIRST Select Credit Card offers 4 complimentary domestic airport lounge visits per quarter. Moreover, the IDFC Millennia Credit Card provides access to railway lounges for 4 visits per quarter.
A. When you're offered a free credit card, it's crucial to understand which fees are waived. In this case, while the joining fee might be waived, there could be annual or renewal charges starting from the second year. Some cards also have conditions where if you use specific facilities within a certain period, like the first 90 days, the card remains free for a lifetime. Always make sure to carefully read the terms and conditions to confirm that there are no charges associated with the card.
A. If you miss paying your credit card bill by the due date, you'll face late payment charges and finance charges (interest). The interest rate differs depending on the card you have. Additionally, if you have an outstanding balance on your credit card account, the interest-free period is canceled. This means that all new transactions will accrue finance charges from the first day.